HLA matching

  • 网络HLA匹配;相容抗原配型;人类白血球抗原配对;供受者的组织配型
HLA matchingHLA matching
  1. Influence of HLA matching to the recovery of renal graft function


  2. Analysis of HLA Matching Probability in Guangzhou Cord Blood Bank


  3. The Development and Study of a Fast HLA Matching Software Used for Rental Transplant


  4. Methods Analyzing the effect of HLA matching on early rejection in 390 cases renal transplantation .


  5. A Probability Analysis for HLA Matching in Adult Stem Cell Transplantation Treating Nervous Genetic Diseases


  6. Effect of HLA matching measures on prevention of hyperacute rejection before kidney transplantation


  7. Good HLA matching can improved the transplant results on the PRA hypersensitivity recipient


  8. Good HLA matching plays an important role in reducing the incidence of acute rejection and in improving graft survival .


  9. HLA matching in orthotopic homologous heart transplantation


  10. The outcomes of HLA matching and that of GREG were compared in renal transplant recipients .


  11. The time of nuclear cell reconstitution after cord blood transplantation was statistically related with nucleated cells and the type of disease , not related with HLA matching .


  12. Conclusion The better HLA matching of donor recipient , the fewer influence of HLA mismatching with permissible antigen or immunogenic antigen on early rejection .


  13. 15 patients with PTR in experimental group were required first to select the HLA matching donors from the platelet donor bank and then were carried out the platelet cross matching test .


  14. Methods On the base of traditional HLA matching and microcytotoxicity assay , to analyze strictly HLA specific antibody and CREGs matching of 21 recipients ( PRA > 40 % ) .


  15. The main candidates for PE therapy are recipients with PRA > 80 % . PE therapy can decrease PRA level effectively and it is helpful to identify the antibody specificity and select a donor according to HLA matching .


  16. Conclusions To sensitive patients , the levels of PRA could be reduced by the SPA adsorption therapy which had a definitely therapeutic effects on the acute rejections following renal transplantation if combined with better HLA matching model of kidney and new type immunosuppressants .


  17. Current and voltage etc. It suggested that PCR-SSCP be available in studying the microscopic polymorphism , HLA matching of transplantation compatibility and individual recognition in forensic medicine etc. In addition , this technique is simple , rapid , economical highly distinguishable and reproducible .


  18. Results More than 10 % recipients shared HLA DR matching at DNA level , half of 1 DR mismatches .


  19. OBJECTIVE To investigate human leukocyte antigen ( HLA ) matching and panel reactive antibody ( PRA ) titer in highly sensitized recipients of renal allograft .


  20. Methods PRA measurement and HLA antigen matching have been carried out for 1 020 patients on the waiting list for renal transplantation . These patients have underwent plasma exchange and HLA A , B , DR were well matched no matter PRA being negative or positive .


  21. Improved HLA and CREG matching can heighten the chance of success for renal transplantation in sensitized recipients .


  22. First , made HLA three-dimensional structure matching by molecular modeling in 26 recipient-donor pairs , and found that serious aGVHD could be predicted accurately through general RMSD which indicate structural differences between donor and recipient .


  23. Conclusion The good HLA typing and matching , the superior quality kidney provided , the individual application of im-munity depressant , the prevention and treatment of various earlier period complications , welltrained surgery technique are important factors affecting the rate of living of the kidney transplanted .


  24. HLA Class ⅱ Antigens Matching in Cadaver Kidney Transplantation


  25. Objective : To study the possibility and necessity of HLA class ⅱ antigens matching in cadaver kidney transplantation .


  26. HLA and HLA Amino Acid Residue Matching In Kidney Retransplantation


  27. Methods To analyze the results of HLA allocation and HLA amino acid residues matching model in 771 kidney transplantation recipients . Results HLA A ? B ?


  28. A total of 6 antigen data of HLA A , B , and DR locus were considered for HLA matching .
